This post will contain the update for this Tuesday! I'm sure that I'll have enough to talk about!
Forget Already is up first today.
There is a total, so far, of eight realms in the Forget Already universe. Think pockets of infinite space. Each character has a particular realm that they belong in.
Cue picture file I made: (I'll scan them, maybe, or make a better image in the future.)

<----Notice that Lady Death's
realm looks like a's not. It's like a castle. (Art idea! .-.)
Alright! The information that is badly represented by the is in a table below! (Thank you Google....for the spreadsheet...)
(An optional link if anyone wants it! Link here! )
I might draw some more diagrams later, since I'm really no good at making....oh
Now it's Soul Coin's turn. I made this drawing a couple of days ago after I created this in Minetest. (A free minetest alternative Minetest Link! ) I use Minetest to better visualize 3D (sort of) buildings, but that's a poor remedy for bad perception. See below now.
A small view of what the building looks on the outside is on the bottom left (top left on the next picture). It's supposed to look very intimidating, and by that I mean large. The main focal point on the inside is the mural (?) of the octahedral (eight sided figure) on the middle of the wall when you walk in. Other than that, the only interesting part of the building is the eight sided domed ceiling. I don't draw much architecture, if you can no doubt see, but I like that feature in holy buildings. (I guess I watch too many travel/historical shows. )
The door is off centered, yes, but I tried design door simply. The octahedral design is supposed to be the Soul Coin, and important to Eternium (especially since Soul owned the house first, so she "moved in".) Ah, forget I said anything.
Though, that's all for now for this Tuesday. I'll see the rest of you next week!
UPDATED 6/19/2021
I have an updated drawing for the realms in Forget Already. If possible check that one out! It's more updated and map-like~!
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twitter: @scaredygiraffe (rant/depression and like blog)
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