Monday, March 29, 2021

[Art] Mallie and Lady {Forget Already}

 I've been busy ignoring the update day, so I'm going to post when I want. 

I have some more art. I remembered that I haven't been actually showing what my characters look like. I actually have a lot of sketches backed up from the years. (Some of them from as far back as So I took them, and updated them using my current "art tastes/style". Lol.




Mallie: (Good place to start is Knowing Mallie fic. Has a couple of chapters and laterrrr if I'm feeling up to it, I'll post a surprise. Look foward to it...)

She's someone who dresses in bright colors but is super depressed about things. Do those things really correlate to each other? Nope, but it's a thing. (Mood? IDK what that means...?)  Doesn't really have much going on.

Lady: (Also mentioned in the "Knowing Mallie" fiction.) I need to develop her more, but at the present she's much better than she was in the past. I mean, who isn't? But like, she's tried to better herself. She cares for Mallie enough that she wants to get better with her. Like therapy buddies, but L.Death isn't going to just LET that happen. Big supportive peppy sister type, but you can tell she doesn't feel like that deeeeeep down. Like that she's trying to smile for you, but all she wants to do it cry. (I guess that sums her up...)

Ok that's all for now! I'll see you laterrr.

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