Thursday, April 8, 2021

[Art] Errin {Forget Already}

The last permanent resident of Holy Hope Hospital is: Errin! I'll try not to space them so bad next time. I won't promise anything.

Fast Facts:

  • Older brother to Henry by 3 or 4 years. He isn't sure but he's not checking.
  • Resents his father's family for passing his brother and him along. Once he turned 18, they were kicked out (even though Henry was def still a minor) telling them to deal with it. They were homeless for a couple of months; months that Henry will deny even happened.
  • Is not above murder to protect his brother, even to people he knows. 
  • Had a lot of anger issues as a kid. Was taught to draw his feelings by one of the nicer aunts. What did she unleash? Promptly put on meds by the family upon seeing what he was drawing. Started to numb him, freaking Henry out (another thing Henry has decided to repress...).
  • Has a love/hate relationship with Gregory. On one hand, he's helping take care of Henry, but on the other hand, he's annoying as fuck. Gregory had a much better upbringing, which shows, but is brought down from being in relationships with narcissistic people that abused him. I'd like to think Errin knows this but doesn't get what he's supposed to even do about it. (If he cares that much...)
  • Doesn't know what Gregory did. Once he does...boi might get violent.
  • Actually remembers a little of his mom and dad. Doesn't tell anyone.

 Also, Henry once told him that he liked his smile. Of course he was 6, but Errin has held onto that complement from his brother for most of his life. (SO totally not creeper smile...)


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Thank you all for the support!


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