Saturday, June 5, 2021

{Forget Already} Lady Death [Art]

 How long was this going to take me to post? Honestly I don't really know....

She's gone through a ton of designs and I have them all backed up on four notebooks from as far back as 2010, maybe further. (I only started putting dates since 2010////) I'd like to think this is the best one and thus the one I'm going to finally post. It's also the edgiest one. Figures.

Design wise: She's intended to have a completely drastic design than her sister, Madness. With more muted purples and greens rather than the more saturated purple and blues of Madness, she looks more...regal? Hehe IDK. :))))))

Ok lore time:  :))))))MY favorite time

Lady Death is a goddess of the realm that Forget Already takes place in. She is the creator of the Darkness, her essence, and Ether, her butler. 

She spent a long time with just her sister, with only Elusion, the kind hearted demon that Madness made. Over time the world was eroded. Then, without warning she left, then Madness left; leaving Elusion to watch the world crumble as the only caretaker. Time passed and they returned, both tormented with the knowledge of the other world they visited, having left people behind.

Ether was created and people were brought into the realm. (My sister and I call it souping...;.; its funny....)

Her scythe is not the one that Diedre uses. It is called Luctus and it's name means mourning.

(I promise to make a similar art of Diedre with her scythe!! I'll write it down so I don't forget!!)

Find me on the web~030

  • forgottenheartache (official blog) 
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  •     whatami94 (personal-ish depression blog)
    • for those that can't see it! -
twitter: @scaredygiraffe (rant/depression and like blog)
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Weebly website (calling card): LINKY

 Thank you all for the support!

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