Wow a consistant update. Much wow. :)))))))))))))))))))
I am so tired right now.
The weather looks better now, ever since I left Betha’s house. I still don’t see what she was talking about. Everything is normal, well, I guess as normal as stark metal trees can be. There’s a fresh breeze coming from behind me, spurring me on, but no miasma to be noticed. I can’t ignore the strange feeling that Betha gave me about that; her moods were also kind of unusual for her, but that could be just stress talking. After all, I have to tell myself, it had been six years since I had seen her alive. How many years had she been active? How long has she been alone here?
All the stuff with this super hero stuff I have to do for that voice. If it were just for it, I’d try to walk away and screw the consequences. Then, it had to drag Betha into it, and who knows who else. How many people have been wrapped up in this mess? I really hope it isn’t that many. It hurts to think about all the people I might have forgotten about that could be dragged into this. Though that’s assuming a lot about what’s going on here. There’s still a little part of me that thinks that this is a dream or hallucination.
All I can do now is walk. It might just be best to go along with the flow of this if it turns out that this is actually a dream. The sooner this reaches its natural conclusion, the sooner I can get back to normal. As I walk down the path of trees, the silver-gray of the trees gives way to a more natural tone of earthy brown. I never thought I would miss regular trees that much. I shouldn’t have to walk much farther now. Maybe. I should be looking for a welcome sign or a population marker. My feet start to hit solid asphalt. Huh, a road. She wasn’t but a couple of hours away. Well, that’s a good sign. I hope I get there soon, while I’m glad I have my tennis shoes, my feet are starting to hurt.
The sun was lower in the sky by the time the wild forest thinned to purposely planted oaks and cedars surrounded by fences. To my right, a population sign. “Dead-in-the-water City. Population 2,500” What? That wasn’t what it was called when I lived here. It’s a new sign. Like, it’s brand new with the reflective paint still shining. Why did they change the name? What an edgy name.
I look at the directions Betha gave me earlier. I just have to check a couple of spots that Silen could have wandered off to. It looks like I can check his house; the other places are regular quiet places for him, if he’s still that anxious kid he was. Even then, maybe there’d be more clues, should he not be where it would make a lot of sense for him to be. But who knows, maybe this will be easy.
I don’t know what day it is, or even the time. I can’t really tell if it’s late morning or early afternoon. There’s not a good way to tell. Every car I see for blocks is parked, and it doesn’t look like they’ve been moved in a while. The tires are either low or completely flat. There’s nothing in the cars either, they don’t look broken in to. I feel like I’m walking in a ghost town.
The problem is that I can feel eyes on me. I can’t resist the urge to flip around and face whatever has been following me. There’s just nothing here. Which means now is that I’m not only frustrated, since I’m kind of lost, but a bit creeped out. Even though somethings not behind me, I can’t shake that feeling. I have to get over it! I have to get to Silen’s house. It seemed like an easy enough goal at the start, but now, even with the directions that Betha gave me, I think I’m even more lost. Frustrated, I sit on the curb, setting my scythe down beside me. I can’t just give up now. What would Betha say if she were here? “Don’t give up, Diedre!” Huh, if only I wasn’t so cruddy with directions. I’m sure Betha would know exactly where it was.
“Ah!” A small gasp came from my left. Tip tap. Tip tap. A walking cane guides a thin woman with gray-white hair in a low bun. Her whiteish hair made her look older than she was, but I’m thinking mid-thirties. Now that I think about it, she kind of looks like a librarian; if a librarian looked like a fifteen-year-old stuck in a scene phase. That was mean. Before I started apologizing for what I said in my head, she spoke again,” There’s someone new in town! Ah, I thought I was the only one in this neighborhood. What a relief!” She gazed uncertainly in my general direction. The nervous smile started to collapse into uncomfortable silence. She continued tapping towards me, “AH, but I’m being so rude right now, I’m terribly sorry! I haven’t introduced myself: my name is Christine Ona. It’s very hard for me to see you, so I apologize for being so strange. Haha!” Her nervous chattering, started to remind me of someone, someone I knew long ago. I wonder who?
Silen. Silen Ona. Oh my god, this is his mom! I can’t believe I forgot her. Though at this point, I don’t think it’s much surprise considering I forgot Betha. But, Silen and her are so alike, I had forgotten. That same nervous demeanor and all that. I guess she forgot about me, but wait, she can’t see me very well. Right? Her eyesight was always super bad, but it’s gotten worse, hasn’t it?
“Miss Ona. I don’t think you remember me, but it’s me: Diedre. Aaricia’s daughter. Diedre Waters. I used to live a couple of blocks away from you and Silen.” Ms.Ona jumped out of her skin, rushed at me, dropping her cane in the process. She held me in her arms. I jumped at the sudden contact, but stilled when I noticed her pale blue eyes misted over with tears.
“Diiiiieeddree, darling! What on Heaven’s Earth are you doing here?” The dams in her eyes finally broke and I was left holding her up. Shame pooled in my stomach, remembering all the times I never thought to even contact her, especially after I left home.
“It’s been six years, Ms.Ona. I’m sorry I never called you.” I mumbled, apologizing to the thin woman. She’s thinner than she used to be. Back when Mother let me visit a boy’s house, especially after Ms.Ona’s husband left her, she didn’t spend much money on food. Rather, she spent everything on her one and only son: Silen. That poor kid. Even when I was a kid myself, I was so glad to see that man go; he wasn't the nicest to Silen or his mother. I know it took a lot to divorce him.
“Silen’s gone!” She wailed into my jacket.
Gone!? How was he gone? Oh no.
'Oh no' is right! WHere is that little guy???
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